25 Stats About Outdoor Sports

Interested in the data surrounding outdoor sports? We take a look at some statistics that tell us about the impact that outdoor sports can have on our physical and mental health.

Outdoor leisure and sporting activities are a key part of any local community. As leading outdoor canopy specialists, we understand that not only do they promote exercise and fitness, but they also offer an opportunity for people to come together.

Here at A&S Landscape, we offer outdoor canopies for sporting facilities. Whether you’re a spectator or participant, our designs get the most out of all-weather pitches and the like. In recent years we are proud to have worked with The Football Association to have created an archery training building for Team GB.

So, if you’re after some outdoor sports statistics, then you’re in the right place. Let’s have a look at the impact that outdoor sports has on local communities, and find out which outdoor sports are the most popular.

We will also take a look at the impact that COVID-19 had on outdoor sports and activities, seeing a significant increase in participation levels.

15 Statistics About Outdoor Sports

1. 40% of sport or physical activities takes place most commonly in parks and outdoors. (Source: Kantar)

2. 71% of Brits have visited a staycation destination based on its facilities for outdoor recreation. (Source: Sally’s Cottages)

3. In 2020, the UK was classed as the ‘world’s most active nation’ with an increase of 82% in outdoor activity. (Source: bikebiz)

4. All sports types saw a year on year increase, including the most popular such as running (1.9x), cycling (1.8x), and hiking (1.9x). (Source: bikebiz)

5. On Strava, in total, there were 71.8 million challenge joins on the platform in 2020 (Source: bikebiz)

6. In the UK alone, 17% of the adult population is on the platform, and in total there are over nine million UK athletes on Strava. (Source: bikebiz)

7. The number of people who gained health benefits from outdoor exercise increased by 58% between 2009 and 2020. (Source: Office for National Statistics)

8. The number of English residents participating in adventure sports rose from 2.2 million in 2016 to 3.5 million in 2019. (Source: Sport England)

9. In the UK, sales of exercise bikes grew by 2,113%, while weights sales rose by 1,743% between March 2020 and July 2020. (Source: Visit Scotland)

10. According to StrawPoll, the most popular outdoor activity in the UK is cycling. (Source: StrawPoll)

11. Compared with exercising indoors, exercising in natural environments is associated with greater feelings of revitalisation and positive engagement, decreases in tension, confusion, anger, and depression. (Source: Pirelli)

12. Exercising outdoors early in the day can promote better sleep patterns as it helps to regulate the circadian rhythm. (Source: Mya Care)

13. Exercise and outdoor sports are well documented to reduce individuals’ risk of major illnesses, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and cancer by up to 50% and lower the risk of early death by up to 30%. (Source: GOV.UK)

14. Some of the most popular types of exercise amongst those who participate in adventure sports and activities include hiking and trekking (40%), trail running (17%), and wild camping (15%). (Source: SIN)

15. As of 2021, the number of users in the sports and outdoor segment in the UK was estimated at approximately 17 million. (Source: Statista)

10 Stats About Covid’s Impact on Outdoor Sports

1. During Covid, people were keen to be active, with 58% saying they would like to do more physical activity once Covid-19 restrictions were removed. (Source: Sport England)

2. Getting outside to participate in outdoor activities was used as a means to cope, building strength and leading to greater motivation and self-confidence. (Source: Sport England)

3. Nearly two fifths (39%) of adults say they had found new ways to be active outside since the start of the pandemic. (Source: Sport England)

4. 84% of those adults intended to continue with these with these activities as restrictions began to ease. (Source: Sport England)

5. In April 2020, there was a decline in online exercise (from 23% to 19%) as people adjusted to exercising outside of their home. (Source: Sport England)

6. During the week of 24th-27th April 2020, walking figures was at its highest, with 61% of adults participating. (Source: Sport England)

7. In addition to this, running was also at an all time high of 20%. (Source: Sport England)

8. Walking, running, and cycling, were sports that people had done during lockdown which they wanted to continue once restrictions were lifted. (Source: Sport England)

9. The first eight months of coronavirus restrictions led to an increase in the number of people who were inactive – doing less than 30 minutes of activity a week or nothing at all. (Source: Sport England)

10. More than three quarters of home workers left the house to exercise during the first lockdown, compared with only half of those still travelling for their job. (Source: The Guardian)

Invest in an Outdoor Canopy with A&S Landscape!

As we can see from the data, COVID-19 had a significant impact on the amount of people choosing to participate in outdoor sports. During the first lockdown especially, this number significantly increased, with more people participating in sports such as running, cycling, and walking.

However, with restrictions now eased and time limited, it can be hard for people to spend their time participating in outdoor sports. That’s why now more than ever, it is important to encourage children and adults to get outside.

If you’re looking for an outdoor canopy or want to utilise your outdoor space, then please get in touch with a member of our team. We’re more than happy to chat you through your options and talk about a personalised canopy for your sector.