Outdoor Canopy at North Leamington School in Leamington Spa

North Leamington School in Leamington Spa needed an outdoor canopy so its students could enjoy more space and comfort during their breaks and be exposed to new opportunities like learning and eating outside throughout the seasons. The staff wanted a simple but efficient, heated shelter.

What did the project involve?

We added a Motiva Duo™ measuring 14000mm X 10000mm to North Leamington School, because the staff – who teach the students aged from 11 to 18 with care and passion – loved the stylish, duopitch curved roof and standalone design. Anthracite Grey steelwork and Opal roofing came together for the unobtrusive but welcoming feel that they desired, in a strong outdoor canopy structure that could protect students from wind, sun and rain when dining or learning in the fresh air. The added heating was much-welcomed for year-round comfort, and now break times are less busy and more relaxing for everyone.