25 Playground Safety Statistics: How Safe Are They Really?

With the surge of digital games and consoles, there’s been a reduction in the number of children playing outside. But is this actually for the best?

An increase in playground injuries has led some to question how safe playgrounds really are. This statistics will give us a better insight…


How many children get playground injuries?

1. Approximately 40,000 children under the age of 15 need medical care because of playground injuries each year. (Source: ROSPA)

2. Between January and August 2022, the number of accidents reported rose by 89% on the previous year. (Source: Simpson Millar)

3. From 2019-2022, 23 councils had no accident complaints, highlighting the equipment there is safer for children. (Source: Simpson Millar)

What are the causes of playground injuries?

4. Talking of accidents, only 40% are due to the equipment. (Source: ROSPA)

5. Of these, 80% of those accidents mean a child falls to the floor. (Source: ROSPA)

6. These are the equipment with the biggest injuries: (Source: ROSPA)

  • Swings 40%
  • Climbers 23%
  • Slides 21%
  • Roundabouts 5%
  • See-Saws 4%
  • Fireman’s Poles 1%
  • Others 6%

7. Other injuries include being struck by a swing, cut by glass, and bitten by dogs. (Source: ROSPA)

8. According to ROSPA, these are the main management causes of injuries: (Source: ROSPA)

  • Poor equipment design
  • Bad layout
  • Unsuitable equipment for the intended age group
  • Incorrect installation
  • Poor inspection
  • Minimal maintenance

9. On the flip side, here are the user causes of injuries: (Source: ROSPA)

Why are playgrounds so important?

10. One in eight UK children live in households that don’t have gardens. (Source: The Independent)

11. This increases to 1 in 5 in London. (Source: SLCC)

12. In the last decade, nearly 800 playgrounds have closed. (Source: Aggregate)

13. Between 2014 and 2016, 214 playgrounds were shut by local authorities due to budget constraints. (Source: The Guardian)

14. Since 2011, England’s annual park budget has reduced by over £350 million. (Source: The Guardian)

15. Councils across the country have had to slash their budgets by more than 40% – in some places, this is even double! (Source: The Guardian)

16. 49% of families with disabled children commented that their local playground had an accessibility issue. (Source: Education Forum)

How can playgrounds help children?

17. According to 97% of teachers, outdoor play is critical for children to reach their full potential. (Source: Outdoor Classroom Day)

18. 88% of teachers report children are happier after playing outdoors. (Source: Outdoor Classroom Day)

19. 86% of teachers said that outdoor play gives children a better understanding of the environment. (Source: Outdoor Classroom Day)

20. When compared to the 71% of baby boomers that played outside their house, only 27% of children nowadays regularly play out. (Source: Save The Children)

21. One in four children who took part in the survey said they had been told to stop playing in the street or local area either by their parents or neighbours. (Source: Save The Children)

22. On this, 30% revealed they’ve been told to stop making noise outside. (Source: Save The Children)

23. More than 70% of parents of children with health issues reported that the lack of outdoor play facilities near them has played a role in their child’s health problems. (Source: Playforce)

24. Over 25% of parents with children experiencing mental health issues revealed that the lack of outdoor play facilities in their area has impacted their child’s health. (Source: Playforce)

25. 26% of parents with children who have sleep problems say that a lack of close-by outdoor play areas has been a factor in their child’s sleep difficulties. (Source: Playforce)