Bleasdale School in Lancashire Install Three Bright and Colourful Playground Canopies

The pupils at Bleasdale School were lucky enough to go to school every day in an area of outstanding natural beauty. This made outdoor play one of the best parts of the day, unless it rained or it was too hot! The staff decided the best way to tackle this was to look at adding some protection to their outdoor areas.

Project Specification

  • Product: Maxima StarSail®
  • Size: 6000mm X 6000mm | 5000mm X 5000mm
  • Steelwork:
    • Squirrel Grey - RAL NO. 7000

  • Fabric:
    • Lemon

    • Victoria Blue

What was the project?

Fabric Canopies at Bleasdale SchoolTo add Maxima StarSail™ fabric canopies to enable outdoor play in all weathers at Bleasdale School in Carnforth, Lancashire.

What was the problem?

The rolling fields and leafy grounds of Bleasdale School in Lancashire were the perfect environment for pupils to get outside, breathe in the fresh air and let off some steam. Unfortunately, this was often hampered by the great British weather and after many a playtime spent cooped up indoors the school decided to investigate how they could make the grounds usable all year round. They contacted A&S Landscape to find a solution that offered robust and aesthetically pleasing shelter whilst complementing the surroundings.

What was our solution?

We worked closely with the school and understood that it was not just about finding a shelter, it was about finding the perfect shelter. One that would add colour and cheer to an already beautiful backdrop. Our Maxima StarSail™ immediately sprung to mind, effortlessly chic with a fun and innovative design. Its all year-round properties meant that it would offer protection from the heat of the sun and the addition of waterproof fabric would also provide a welcome relief from the often falling rain that had spoilt many a lunch break.

What product did we use?

Both the school and A&S Landscape agreed that the Maxima StarSail™ fitted the project brief perfectly. Supported on one central post, the Maxima StarSail™ leaves more space for outdoor fun and games meaning it is a very popular design for playgrounds, school fields and other recreational areas. The StarSail can be overlapped or positioned separately to achieve outstanding results.

What was the result?

The finished result really does have the wow factor! The Lemon and Victoria Blue fabric adds a splash of cheer on even the dreariest of days! The children can now play out in rain, shine and even in the middle of winter as the StarSail offers extremely robust all year-round protection. Playtimes are no longer wasted, and the staff are over the moon with their new playground shelters.

A little bit about the client…

Bleasdale School are extremely proud of their school and quite rightly so, located in the picturesque village of Silverdale, just outside of Carnforth, it is nestled between the coast and the countryside in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. With a motto of ‘Learning Together, Achieving Together’ the school has a classification of ‘Outstanding’ from Ofsted. As a specialist day school for 2-19 year olds with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) and other complex needs it is treasured by the local community and all who attend it.

The staff are an inspiration, the heart and soul of the school and the difference they make to so many people is clear to see. The project was a joy to work on, the Bursar was knowledgeable, passionate and committed to finding the right specialist canopy company,

What is a fabric roof canopy?

A fabric roof canopy offers a breezy and contemporary look whilst benefiting from the latest technologyShade sail we designed for Glenwood School. Expertly engineered and designed with an artistic flair, the Maxima StarSail™ is fast becoming one of our most popular designs. Spanning up to 8m x 8m in one structure and supported by one central post it lends itself well to almost any outdoor environment and can often be spotted on playgrounds, school fields, alfresco dining areas and internal quads.

Why are canopies perfect for SEN schools?

The great outdoors plays a very important part in the daily lives of all children, arguably this is even more important for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN). Being outside in nature promotes a feeling of wellbeing, and gives children and adults alike the opportunity to grow. Whether they spend their break times letting off some steam, exploring the world around them and getting hands on with wildlife and animals or eating their packed lunch in a safe, sheltered space, our vast range of colourful and very robust canopies and shelter solutions means that we can find a solution for even the trickiest of spaces.

Whether you have an internal quad that you would like to cover, an entrance that needs a little bit of TLC or a playground that offers no protection from the elements, our experienced team are on hand to work with you to prescribe a design that best fits the bill. With an extensive range of colours, we even have the option to match your school uniform! As our canopies are made to measure, size is never an issue. We can cover the smallest outside space right up to whole MUGAs!

Our canopies provide protection from UV rays, keep you dry on the wettest of days and our range of options to enclose many of them means that they also work brilliantly for outdoor learning. So many of the schools we work with tell us how their new canopy has transformed school life, take a listen to what they have to say!

How A&S Landscape can help you

We are proud to have partnered with schools, colleges, nurseries and universities for over 44 years. We design, manufacture and lovingly install all of our canopies and believe strongly in providing shelter solutions that pass the test of time.

Over the years we have been brought on board to assist with many a fallen down or wind damaged canopy and have a real sense of pride that by only using the strongest, most robust materials, our canopies really are made to last. Our reputation within our industry means that many of the schools we work with are referred to us by clients that we have already had the pleasure of working with and we are always glad to hear from new and potential clients. Please do get in touch, we would love to talk to you about how we can help!

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