chantry school canopy drawing

Regulations and Condensed Guides

cdm regulations guide

Condensed Guide to CDM Regulations

Our Condensed Guide to CDM Regulations contains everything you need to know to run a safe and compliant project in a school. From arranging adequate welfare facilities to a construction phase plan, we’ve broken down everything you need to be aware of.

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output specifications guide

Condensed Guide to Output Specifications

Learn about the Department for Education’s latest guidance on output specifications. We’ve collated all of the key sections you need to be aware of, from external space and grounds to security.

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shade sail guide

Condensed Guide to Shade Sail Design

If you’re designing a shade sail and want to know how to avoid sagging and other pitfalls, download a copy of our guide. We will explain how to achieve a correctly tensioned sail and how to position your posts.

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