Tips for Cleaning Your Canopy in Every Season

Looking for tips for cleaning canopies? Our experts have come up with the best way to clean a canopy for each season. With different fabrics too!

Looking for tips for cleaning canopies? Then you are in the right place!

Our experts have come up with the best way to clean a canopy for each season. Whether it’s cold, hot, or unreliably mixed, we have the perfect solutions to keep canopies clean all year round. We even talk about different fabrics too!

If you’re looking for outdoor canopies then you can explore our canopy range with confidence.

Having a nice-looking canopy is essential. Whether you are welcoming customers or guests, covering walkways, or sheltering playgrounds, a clean canopy not only looks appealing but is also a reflection of its maintenance and care.

Things we will cover in this blog include: 

  • The correct cleaning tools
  • Cleaning techniques
  • Fabric and metal canopy care
  • Cleaning a canopy depending on the season
  • An expert’s top tips

Let’s get cleaning!

cleaning a canopy

Cleaning Canopy Solutions: Tools, Techniques, and More!

Having a clean canopy is ideal, but this can’t always be the case. However, spending a little bit of time and offering some TLC is all that is needed to maintain your outdoor canopies. Whether they’re dirty or damaged by weather conditions, we’ve got all you need to know about cleaning your canopy easily and efficiently!

The type of fabric that your canopy is made from can determine how you should look after it. Let’s have a deeper look at these types of canopies.

Metal Canopy Maintenance

To ensure the longevity of a metal structured canopy, regular maintenance is essential. Because of their structure and material, things such as rust or corrosion can cause serious problems.

Things to keep an eye on when you have a metal canopy:

  • Structural integrity – check your structure for any dents, scratches, or signs of physical damage.
  • Rust and corrosion -inspect your canopy for spots of corrosion. Address any rust promptly to prevent it from spreading or causing further damage.
  • Loose hardware – check all screws, bolts, and brackets and ensure that they are securely fastened. Tighten any loose hardware immediately.

All of our canopies here at A&S Landscape are completely rust-proof, so you won’t have to worry about maintaining rust or corrosion!

Fabric Canopy Maintenance

A canopy made out of fabric can be more prone to stains and grease, or can dirty a lot quicker than metal canopies.

Here are some tips and ideas to consider when cleaning canvas or fabric canopies: 

  • Check the whole surface area – you can often find leaves or twigs on fabric canopies. Remember to be thorough when checking for stains – some people forget to check the underside of the fabric which holds things such as cobwebs.
  • Absorb and rinse – after cleaning the canopy, ensure to leave cleaning products to absorb for at least 15 minutes. Then rinse off with warm water. Make sure to rinse off all water and soap to avoid leaving marks.
  • Leave your canopy to dry – after it has been cleaned, it is time to leave your canopy out to dry. We recommend cleaning on a sunny day for the best payoff!

 Cleaning Tips!

It’s easy to provide you with this information, but if you are a cleaning novice then you might be feeling a little bit overwhelmed.

If you’re feeling ready and prepared to start cleaning, consider these tips:

  • Use a thick bristled brush to scrub off any dirt or dust.
  • Hose down your canopy with water to wash away mud.
  • If you spot water or bigger stains of dirt, use warm water and powder detergent.
  • Brush in circular motions and wash away quickly to avoid detergent damage.

Regular canopy cleaning is essential for longevity and safety. 

The longer you go without cleaning your canopy, the worse it will be when you eventually get around to cleaning it. Try to schedule in a clean every couple of months – this way, you can ensure longevity and high quality for a number of years.

cleaning bike canopy

How to Clean a Canopy Depending on the Season

Depending on how you clean your canopy can depend on the weather and season. For example, it can be a lot easier to maintain canopies in summer during nice weather, but a lot harder during the winter with things like snow and bad weather taking place.

Don’t worry, we will go into a little more detail about the best ways to clean your canopy for each season.


Warmer months will definitely be a much more pleasurable time to clean your canopy.

You will want to be outside more and enjoy the (hopefully!) nice weather. Spring is traditionally the time to give your house a good clean and you may want to factor your canopy in this too.

Cleaning your canopy in Spring is perfect as it’s usually not too hot, but not too cold. If the sun is out, this could be a nice weekend activity to complete. Ensure you have the correct equipment and tools before tackling a big clean.


Similar to spring, summer is one of the best times of the year to get your canopy cleaned. This is an activity you can enjoy whilst soaking up the sunshine, all in a day’s work.

You will benefit from cleaning your canopy in better weather as you don’t have to worry about wrapping up warm or navigating things such as snow and ice.

Note: Remember to be aware of the sun and wear appropriate SPF. Cleaning a canopy can sometimes take at least a couple of hours, so be aware of this when spending all day outside.


During autumn and winter, you might want to pay particularly close attention to your canopy’s cleanliness, especially if it is located in an area with lots of trees or leaves that could gather on top.

As we start transitioning from warmer weather to colder months, factoring in a clean during autumn is probably one of the most important times of year to clean your canopy.

These months before winter are essential in keeping your canopy maintained – that way, you can have more trust in your canopy being safe during winter months.

We recommend having a thorough clean between September and October.


During winter, the weight of snow or ice could lead to sagging and even collapsing, which could potentially cause damage to your canopy’s fabric, frame, or retracting mechanism.

To prevent sagging or collapsing, we would recommend taking down fabric canopies or sails during the winter to ensure extra safety and longevity.

In addition to this, freezing temperatures can weaken materials and joints, meaning that your canopy’s stability could be hindered.

Here are some essential steps you could take this winter:

  • Snow and ice removal – ensure that after every snowfall you are regularly removing it from your canopy. Gently sweep it off using a broom or brush, making sure that you aren’t using anything harmful to the fabric.
  • Professional assistance – if the snow build-up is concerning, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help. Professionals will use their own safe equipment and expertise to ensure that they can handle the job without causing damage. We offer professional canopy cleaning services here at A&S Landscapes – enquire now! 
  • Regular maintenance – regular maintenance can prevent wear and tear and snow-related incidents in the winter. So, if this means checking your canopy a few times a week, it is definitely worth it to ensure it is maintained properly.

Our Expert Tips for Cleaning Canopies

To make you feel more confident in your canopy cleaning, we have included some top tips from a canopy expert.

“Keeping your canopy clean is much easier than you may think. Thanks to our unique ‘Click-Lock™’ polycarbonate roof design, there aren’t any fixings for leaves or dirt to build up against. Our polycarbonate sheets simply ‘click’ together, creating a sleek design which will help keep your canopy looking good as new for longer.”

Stefanie Lomas , Canopy Consultant.

cleaning a large canopy


Well done, you now know how to deal with dirty canopies! Cleaning your canopy is a lot more than physical aesthetics – it is about safety and longevity too.

Although canopy cleaning takes a lot of time and effort, you will be thankful for it when your canopy lasts you for many years.

Explore our full range of durable canopies that require minimal cleaning!

Check out some related articles below if you want more canopy content.