30 Ways University Green Spaces Could Help Students

It’s no secret that university students are increasingly struggling with their mental health. Heightened pressures, rising cost of living, and accumulating demands are just adding to this epidemic. A simple solution that can relieve students’s mental struggles is nature. Don’t believe us? These statistics should convince you.

The Amount of Students Struggling with Mental Health Problems

1. In 6 academic years, UK undergraduate students who struggle with mental health rose from 6% to 16%. (Source: Taso )

2. According to a 2022 survey from the mental health charity Student Minds, 57% of responders said they’d self-reported a mental health issue. (Source: Commons Library )

3. Plus, 27% said they had a diagnosed mental health condition. (Source: Commons Library )

4. There’s been a 450% increase in student mental health declarations in the past 10 years. (Source: UCAS )

5. 25% of students select mental health as the primary motivation for wanting to drop out of university. (Source: Taso )

6. Amongst students considering dropping out of university, 8% of students said financial distress was the main reason – rising from 3.5% in just one year. (Source: Taso )

7. On average, female students (12%) are over twice as likely as male students (5%) to say they have been affected by poor mental health. However, non-binary students are even more likely at 42%. (Source: Taso )

8. Student life satisfaction is lower than the general population – 6.5 compared to 7.1 out of 10, respectively. (Source: ONS )

9. Three-quarters of students (75.6%) are hiding their symptoms from friends. (Source: The Insight Network )

Ways Nature Can Reduce Mental Health Issues

10. According to researchers, stress and anxiety levels among young people reduce between 14% and 19% after a 15-minute walk in a park compared to a street. (Source: UWE )

11. Over 60% of the students strongly agree that there are benefits to spending their leisure time in green spaces. (Source: IOP Science )

12. It’s recommended that people spend 10-30 minutes each day reducing the stress hormone, cortisol. (Source: Frontier Sin )

13. Spending at least 2 hours a week in a natural environment can lead to good health and well-being. (Source: Nature )

14. 70% of adults in the UK said being close to nature improves their mood. (Source: Mental Health )

15. 49% also said being close to nature helps them to cope with stress. (Source: Mental Health )

16. People who spend two to three hours a week in nature are 20% more likely to report higher overall satisfaction with their lives compared to those who spend no time outdoors. (Source: Nature )

university bike canopy

Reasons Why Students Don’t Spend Time in Nature

17. Most students strongly agree they are too busy with assignments and have no time for leisure activities. (Source: IOP Science )

18. According to a survey, weather changes have also been identified as a perceived barrier to participation in outdoor activity. (Source: IOP Science )

19. The majority of students (87.8%) would like to spend more time in nature, but 22% mentioned barriers, such as busy schedules and built environment, stop them from doing so. (Source: BMC Public Health )

20. On the flip side, 7% of students said spending time outside negatively impacts their health, such as “it makes [them] feel isolated”. (Source: BMC Public Health )

21. 19% of respondents don’t have a way to get to places where they can experience nature near them. (Source: Assets Global )

How Students Feel about Universities Helping Their Mental Health

22. A 2023 survey found just 12% of students think their university handles mental health well. (Source: Commons Library )

23. Since the Autumn 2022 term, nearly 45% of students reported their mental health and well-being had worsened. (Source: Universities UK )

24. Over 75% of students have concealed their symptoms from their university due to fears of stigma. (Source: The Insight Network )

25. Just under half of students (46%) feel their university supports those who struggle with mental health challenges. (Source: Cibyl )

26. 96% of students would like to see some environmental action taken by their university. (Source: Shift Sustainability )

Do Students Want More Ways to Access Green Space on Campus?

27. 86% of students think that all universities should take action to protect and support nature on their grounds or other land they own. (Source: Assets Global )

28. 64% of students believe their university should provide opportunities for students to experience nature. (Source: Assets Global )

29. 52% of students would like to know more about how they can access nature at their university. (Source: Assets Global )

30. 18% of students would like campus gardens and even allotments. (Source: Shift Sustainability )

university canopy

How to Help Your Students Mental Well-being? A Canopy for Your University!

canopy is the perfect way to help university students embrace more of nature.

There are numerous benefits to installing a canopy:

  • Increased seating
  • Prevents overcrowding inside
  • More study options

We have a wide selection of canopy solutions available for a range of needs. For example, we have shade sails or curved roof options, but if you’re concerned about the weather, why not opt for a fully-enclosed canopy ?

At A&S Landscape, each of our designs is completely bespoke so you can ensure your new canopy is just right for your students.

We’ve helped numerous universities around the UK, will you be next?

Get in touch with our expert team today to discover your new canopy solution.