What is Outdoor Learning: A Complete Guide

What is outdoor learning? This complete guide explains what it is, how to create an outdoor learning space, and the benefits it can have for your students!

What is outdoor learning? This complete guide explains what it is, how to create an outdoor learning space, and the benefits it can have for your students!

Here at A&S Landscape, we specialise in manufacturing canopies for schools and nurseries that can completely revolutionise and transform your outdoor space. From canopies to shades sails and walkways, we have an array of outdoor features that can enhance outdoor learning and provide huge benefits to young children.

We specialise in elevating outdoor spaces, making learning outdoors more functional, enjoyable, and personalised to your needs.

We understand and encourage the importance of being outdoors and know that it is not only good for the mind, but for physical health as well.

Table of contents: 

Here are some things that we will cover in this guide:

  • An understanding of outdoor learning
  • The benefits of outdoor learning
  • The aims of learning in nature
  • A case study from one of our clients

outdoor learning canopy

What is outdoor learning?

So, let’s begin with the obvious!

Outdoor learning offers a direct contrast to the classroom and allows children to learn, create, and have more freedom outdoors. Here at A&S Landscape, we are passionate about outdoor learning by providing canopies for senior schools and primary schools.

There are many examples of outdoor learning, ranging from outdoor play in the early years, environmental education, expeditions, team building, adventure therapy, and education for sustainability. Even Ofsted have reported about the importance of these experiences.

We will go into a lot of detail about the benefits of outdoor learning, explaining the impacts our canopies can make on children’s outdoor spaces.

When being outside, safety codes are of course taken into account and provide clear boundaries and learning goals. Outdoor learning opens up many more opportunities and allows a sense of freedom and creativity, something which should be encouraged from the early years.

What are the benefits of outdoor learning?

It has always been encouraged to spend more time outside, and at A&S Landscape, we believe that outdoor learning has a huge number of benefits.

Being outdoors can be energising, good for the soul, and a great way to connect to nature. Not only can it affect our mood, but it can also help to improve a child’s development and promote engaging and fun learning.

Our canopy products are designed with all of this in mind. We transform outdoor spaces to be more practical, engaging, and out of everything else, more fun!

Let’s have a look at these benefits in more detail.


Outdoor learning can encourage socialising and communicating with peers. It is important to teach young children about the importance of teamwork and collaboration from an early age.

To be around other people is inspiring, and the outdoors offers a bigger space to implement this.

Being in a shared environment can help to develop friendships, and encourage pupils to interact with each other in a more fun and exciting space. It can encourage things such as sharing, participation, and collaborative adventures.

Enhanced skills

Some of this teamwork can encourage cooperation, leading to more enhanced leadership skills. Problem-solving is more at play, as well as orientation skills and basic tactile lessons.

Being outside but still having teacher-pupil boundaries can create a sense of excitement, but children are also aware of limits and boundaries in their play. They may want to try new activities and explore the environment around them.

These skills can help to lay the foundations for positive social interactions later on in life.

Informal setting

Sometimes, getting away from your normal routine or surroundings can have huge benefits. Being in an informal environment can allow more creativity and freedom.

Being outdoors and in a different setting can encourage young people to have more fun, play more freely, and take notice of their surroundings.

Our outdoor spaces are exciting, innovative, and most importantly, manufactured and installed with the best quality. 

New experiences

Our canopies are fit for schools, a crucial and important time frame for young adults. Being open to new experiences and opportunities is essential in developing their learning skills.

The outdoors offers more than just sitting inside a classroom. Using outdoor learning offers a whole range of different textures, sensors, and surroundings, offering opportunities for new experiences.

Improved mental well-being

It is commonly known that being outside massively improves well-being and mental health . It can encourage people to relax, clear their minds, and promote calmness.

‘It has been said that a lack of playing, exploring, and learning outdoors, is increasingly resulting in a ‘Nature Deficit Disorder’ – the idea that spending less time outside could lead to behavioural problems’ (Stephen Moss, National Trust 2012) .

With this in mind, it is clear that outdoor learning benefits children in having a happy and healthy childhood.

What are the aims of learning in nature?

Now that we can massively see the benefits of outdoor learning, it’s time to explore the aims and goals of learning in nature.

Open, green spaces are a natural part of human life. There has always been a positive link between nature and human health, and being exposed to nature is a bit like taking a vitamin. Frequent contact with the outdoors is a necessary ingredient for a healthy life, especially in growing children.

By understanding the importance of being in a natural environment, it exposes children to things like ecosystems and wildlife. The aim is to feed their curiosity, nurture their growing minds, and provide them with fresh air and new spaces.

canopy for outdoor learning

What to consider when creating an outdoor learning area

There is usually a lot more that goes into the process when creating an outdoor learning area.

Maybe consider technical aspects such as:

  • Shape
  • Style
  • Material
  • Look
  • Function

It is important that you also need to be aware that outdoor areas are impacting pupils in a positive and encouraging way.

It can be tricky to find the perfect outdoor area, but we make that process easy for you at A&S Landscape. Here are a few things to consider when picking the perfect outdoor canopy for your school.

Safe space

Just like being at school, we want our outdoor spaces to be a safe space for children to escape outside of home life. When children feel safe, they feel comfortable and therefore feel more freedom to express themselves.

Allowing young people to feel open and free is extremely important, and we make sure our outdoor canopies are safe spaces for that to happen – that’s why all of our designs are approved by structural engineers.


It is important that outdoor learning spaces are inclusive of all pupils, regardless of their differences or abilities. Implementing and adapting outdoor learning spaces can make a huge difference to people who aren’t sure if they fit in – taking time to think about small details can have a big impact.

Every child will have their preferences and differences, so having an outdoor space that accommodates this is extremely important. We want outdoor learning to apply to everybody and believe that our services offer this.

Quiet corners

Although we want to encourage socialising and adventure, most outdoor areas should still offer a quiet corner for children to go to if they need.

Being outdoors can become quite overwhelming, therefore it is important to offer a smaller space within this for some quiet time. This doesn’t have to be a whole separate area – simply labelling a corner as a quiet space can make some pupils feel instantly more comfortable.

Engaging activities

Keeping young people engaged isn’t easy at the best of times – we understand that it can be tricky to think of things that are continuously stimulating. Outdoor learning is the best way to encourage physical activity, which contributes to overall improved physical health.

Sometimes being outdoors simply isn’t enough to keep children engaged. Think about specific activities you can do to encourage engagement and keep children focused. This could include things such as exploring their surroundings, or connecting with nature. There is lots to offer being outdoors, so try and utilise this as much as possible!

Take a look at how an outdoor learning environment benefitted one of our clients

One of our clients, Westminster Primary Academy in Blackpool, recently added a large outdoor dining and teaching area to enhance their outdoor space. 

The finished canopy at Westminster Primary Academy has gone Over & Above™ the school’s needs, with ample outdoor dining space that could accommodate up to 120 pupils. The new space provides teachers with more teaching options, eases dining pressures, and offers an impressive space to host events.

Client Comments

“The quality of the installation was excellent, and the canopy looks amazing.” (Westminster Primary Academy).

Read the full case study here!

westminster outdoor learning

Get in touch

Hopefully, this guide has taught you all you need to know about outdoor learning. Not only is there a constant need for it, it is proven that there are huge benefits for children and their attitude towards learning.

Don’t forget to contact us with any queries about outdoor spaces. We’re here to provide you with designs and sketches for your specific requirements, ensuring your outdoor area is a place of joy for everyone.