Why Learning in Nature Could Help Your Students

There are many benefits to learning in nature, but you can't always rely on the British weather. The solution? An A&S Landscape canopy. Read more!

There is growing recognition of the positive impacts that learning in nature can have on young children, showing that spending time in green spaces is great for their mental health and wellbeing.

Are you wanting to improve your student’s experience at school? The solution is easy – invest in an outdoor canopy from A&S Landscape! Since 1976 we have developed a close working relationship with schools and businesses, allowing their outdoor space to offer greater functionality with a visual appeal.

Getting outside is extremely important, especially for children and young people. That’s why we offer school canopies, providing students and pupils with a safe, fun, learning environment that embraces the outdoors.

In this piece, we will highlight some of the key benefits that learning outside has on students, as well as including a real-life case study that puts one of our outdoor canopies to excellent use.

Eager to learn about the impacts of outdoor learning? Then keep reading to find out more!

What Do We Mean by Learning in Nature?

Nature-based learning tells us that purposeful teaching in the outdoors can boost academic learning, personal development, and environmental awareness. Learning in nature teaches students about the importance of outside spaces, as well as boosting their development by exposing them to teamwork and an improved focus.

Being outdoors can be crucial to a child’s development – which is why here at A&S Landscape, we have 5 of the best outdoor learning environment ideas to get you started.

Learning in nature occurs in natural settings where elements of the outdoors are brought in to teach students about the natural world, extending engagement in any subject, skill, or interest. It can be said that children today are becoming more and more distanced from nature, especially in the present digital age. That’s why now more than ever it is important to encourage outdoor play.

Outdoor learning can include a number of different ideas, including gardening, hiking, bird watching, and many more. For some outdoor activity inspiration, we have 12 outdoor learning activities for EYFS, perfect for encouraging little ones to embrace learning in nature!

The Benefits of Learning Outside

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of benefits that come from learning in nature. In fact, there is growing evidence that demonstrates the benefits of outdoor learning in all areas of education.

One great benefit of primary school canopies is that they can shelter plenty of outdoor space, helping to encourage the practice of outdoor learning. Children can be well-shaded and protected from harsh weather conditions whilst having the freedom to play outside.

learning in nature

With this in mind, let’s have a look at some of the other benefits that learning in nature has on students. These include:

  • Improved focus
  • Calmer learning environment
  • Relieved stress
  • Building relationships
  • Better engagement

Improved Focus

Some studies have shown that our minds and bodies relax when we are in a natural setting. This can in turn help students to concentrate and focus more effectively. When children are outdoors learning or playing, their brains become more absorbent to information.

Being outdoors makes learning more fun and, when children enjoy going to school, it improves their concentration. Having a calming atmosphere almost instantly gives students the opportunity to focus, allowing them to embrace new settings and query what is in front of them.

Calmer Learning Environment

Being in nature, or even viewing scenes of nature, can reduce anger, fear, and stress, whilst increasing pleasant feelings of calm, comfort, and relaxation. Exposing pupils to the outdoors takes them away from the chaos of the classroom and allows opportunities for them to reflect and embrace their surroundings.

learning outside

Spending time outdoors can instantly boost a child’s mood. When learning, playing, or simply being outside, the fresh air can help to raise oxygen levels in their brain which in turn increases serotonin levels. Learning in an environment away from distractions and loud noise instantly creates a much calmer mood.

Relieves Stress

Pupils, particularly those who are older and in senior school, can start to feel the effects of stress and anxiety, especially with exams approaching. That’s why encouraging learning in nature is extremely important for destressing and relaxing their busy minds.

Feeling more connected to nature can benefit pupils’ mental health by exposing them to fresh air and green spaces, giving them moments of peace and calm. A quiet, open space, with the sounds of birds or insects, can instantly compose a busy and stressful mind. Looking after your student’s mental health should be a priority, and there is no better or simpler way to do this than by encouraging them to get outside.

Builds Relationships

Outdoor education and learning can also encourage teamwork and cooperation between peers, whether that’s between pupils or members of staff. Learning in nature can encourage students to work as a team, negotiating disagreements as well as increasing their social and emotional development.

Learning in nature gives children the chance to mix with different groups, whether that be pupils from a different class or a different age group. Every positive relationship in a child’s life offers the opportunity to learn something about someone, broadening their understanding of diversity and inclusion.

Outdoor learning gives them the opportunity to increase their communication skills, as well as problem-solving and understanding the importance of teamwork.

Better Engagement

As well as encouraging teamwork and building relationships, learning in nature enhances motivation among students which can significantly impact their engagement. As a teacher, you want your students to give you their full attention during lesson time, something which is heightened when lessons take place outdoors.

Embracing an outdoor learning approach can unlock the full potential of all students, allowing for a more balanced and fulfilling educational experience.

Don’t Let the Weather Stop Your Students From Learning Outside – Invest in a Canopy!

Encouraging pupils to participate in outdoor learning is easily enough said, but sometimes there are external factors – such as our unpredictable weather – which can get in the way.

However, not to worry. A&S Landscape can provide premium bespoke canopies, perfect for outdoor play and learning all year round so there is no excuse for pupils to not enjoy some fresh air.

Our custom canopies can act as covered walkways, playground shelters, shade sails, dining areas, and more, as you can allow pupils to embrace the outdoors whilst being completely protected from harsh weather conditions!

This is How a Canopy Helped One School Improve Their Outdoor Learning

Wanting to know how one of our clients used a canopy to elevate their outdoor space? Explore how one school transformed their space into an outdoor learning haven.

Gordonstoun School in Elgin, Moray, needed a shade sail to act as a multi-purpose space where students could learn, relax with friends, and even play games outdoors in all seasons. 

They chose one of our Maxima Sail™ canopies because it offers a modern style and practicality to their new covered outdoor area. We supplied this particular model with specifications of 6000mm X 6000mm on a total of four uprights to create a comfortable amount of room for students to congregate beneath the shelter at once and not be bothered by the weather.

outdoor learning canopy

Read the full case study here. 

Get Your Pupils Outside with A&S Landscape!

Hopefully, this piece has shone a light on the importance of learning in nature.

As mentioned above, there are a huge number of benefits that come from learning outdoors, such as relieving stress, building better relationships, and overall inducing a much calmer environment.

If you’re after an outdoor canopy for your school, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. A member of our team will be more than happy to get back to you – after all, it’s our uncomplicated and approachable qualities that have helped us to build a list of ever-growing clients. 

We’d be more than happy to include you, too. 

Check out some of our other canopy-related pieces below.